I'M MOVING (and yes, permanently because i'm fickle like that)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

... though not really.

yes, this blog has seen some ups and downs these past two and a half years. it's time for a change. i might update regularly on this new one, i might not, but you guys don't have to read it. it's just nice to record what happens in my life in a less teenage girly blog than this one.

also don't know how many of you bother to check this blog anymore, but oh well, this post isn't going anyway so i'll see you over at the new blog. :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

well since no one reads this anyway

i dont' know what i'm doing
and i don';t know how to stop feeling like this
and everything sucks more than anything else
and i kinda want to die

but that's okay because no one really cares
and it's april fools so no one will take me seriously
and i'm clearly being over emotional and over dramatic and over everything
and i want to cry and go to sleep and not fave to wake up again becaus it'll all still be the same when i do so what is the fucking point

Sunday, November 13, 2011

... i've developed an attachment to a glass bottle about the size of my palm. this is really weird, but it calms me down. i am probably just really... yeah. crazy.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

okay, so i haven't actually got in yet, but this is the best news i've had all year. i'm going to go hyperventilate in a corner now. brb crying.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

okay so i am fucking pissed off

and it’s not helping that i click on a blog

and it automatically plays music

and i can’t find the fucking pause button

and it’s a fucking glee song such by lea michele

and right now there is nothing that is making me more pissed

than that woman’s voice

fucking hell

tbh i just wanted to post this picture somewhere... :)
Saturday, November 5, 2011

i know it's just us in a line, but the others weren't looking at the same camera.

and here's a group one. because i love this photo. :)

lia's introduction to the crazy world of Doctor Who
Friday, November 4, 2011

so today, i am here to introduce you to the wonderful world of... that's right!

okay so most of you probably already know of or have heard of the show from me. but unlike me, most of you do not watch it. and i'm here to simply tell why Doctor Who is one of the best t.v. series EVER.


the story revolves around an alien (the Doctor) who's a Time Lord. he travels through time and space in his 'space ship' the TARDIS (which stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) which looks like a blue police box from Britain in the 1960s. if you don't know what it looks like, just look at the pretty moving gif above. that's the TARDIS. also, it's bigger on the inside. MUCH bigger. i'm talking about the fact that the TARDIS has its own pool, stables and a library, plus a giant wardrobe. yeaaaap. bet you wanna live there now. because heck, i know i do.

now the Doctor being a Time Lord has the ability to 'regenerate' every time he comes close to death. this means that there have been 11 different actors playing the Doctor to date - current one begin Matt Smith, (aka the attractive Rectangle with Hair). the Doctor goes around the universe saving Earth and etc other civilisations from disaster and her does it with his companion(s). the current companions are Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan (aka Miss I-make-paparazzi-photos-look-like-photoshoots) and Rory Williams played by Arthur Darvill (aka Roranicus BAMFicus).

Amy and Rory, and the Eleventh Doctor.

and what exactly does the Doctor save humanity from? namely other aliens and monsters who try to destroy Earth, take over Earth, enslave the inhabitants of Earth, the usual. the two most recurring monsters in the series are the Daleks (the salt-and-pepper-shaker-look-alikes) and the Cybermen (silver C-3P0 look-alikes). they seem to be the ones who really just don't get along with the rest of the universe.

and as you can see, they don't get along with each other either.

and then they are joined by the Master, who is another Time Lord who is hell bent on destroying humanity as well as the Doctor, for some reason. the Master and the Doctor are the last two surviving Time Lords, since everyone else was killed during the Time War with the Daleks. then theres this massive complex thing where the Master's actually crazy becuase the other Time Lords had implated a drumming beat into his head and that's why he's mental and wants to take over the world... but you'll just have to watch it because i suck at explaining this. anyway, the Master turns up every now and then, and he hasn't shown up since Tennant, so who knows?

um... sorry. nup.

and then of course, you get the not so frequent monsters on this show who scare the shit out of me. one of these particular monsters is called the Weeping Angels. because those shit gave me nightmares. while some of the monsters on this show are just plain silly, you always gets monsters which honestly makes you think twice before closing the lights to go to bed at night. like these. so why are these things so scary? i mean. they just look like harmless stone angel statues, right? basically, The Weeping Angels had a unique and nearly-perfect defence mechanism: quantum-locking, which caused them to turn into stone when being seen by any other living organism. and of course, stone can't kill you. but then you look away. you blink... and you're gone.


but seriously, all that aside, Doctor Who is simply one of the most entertaining shows ever. the scripts are always witty and hilarious, and while sometimes the plots are cheesy or cliched, it doesn't matter because the better episodes make it all owrth it. so you guys should just totally go and watch the New Series, (series one to five, starting with the Ninth Doctor) right now. because it's really just amazing. :)

so i have a weakness for victorian/romanesque buildings...
Thursday, November 3, 2011

but seriously guys. can you blame me? i found this one online, and i fell in love.

JUST LOOK AT IT. FOR CHRIST SAKE. now if only i had $6 million...

i want this house so badly you would not believe... ;___;

the girl next door

■ lia-wa.
eighteen years crazy.
■ NSG`11
certified bubble burster to be.
■ glowsticks light up her skies.
cannot draw lightbulbs.
■ sometimes-maybe-possibly can write.
■ david bowie is my religion.

scream out loud

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you're on your way

trace. allie. celia. rain. elena. bella. carmen. elaine. beccu. bree.

my deviantART. my Fanfiction. my Wordpress. my Tumblr.

gone with the wind

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take a bow
